Up Coming Events 2020
Love Christian Center Amsterdam PRESENTS BACK TO SCHOOL
The theme of this spectacular night is
"Let's come worship the Lord together".
The primary goal of this event is to exalt and glorify the name of the Lord. And we are trusting God that it will be a rally point for like-minded churches and gospel ministries in the land to unify and bless the name of the Lord in spirit and in truth, with a multiplier effect of miracles, signs and wonders (Psalm 133: 1 - 3 ).
Worshipping together with us are:
- LCC Worshippers
- United
- Minister John Angoh
- Minister John Enoh
- Minister Dennis De Almeida
- 2Serve
Prophetic Dancers
- LCC Prophetic Dancers
- TheLordstabernacle Propheticdancers
- LoHim Dancers
- Minister Xiomara Alejandra
- Minister Marilu Susanna
And many more........